It's Snowing In Australia And The Kangaroos Are Enjoying It

As North America enjoys the warm weather associated with the summer months,we sometimes forget that there are parts of the world that don't share our seasons.Australia, for example, is enduring a particularly brutal winter right now. However, the good news is that the kangaroos are loving it. A video has been posted on social media that shows a bunch of kangaroos having a great time hopping around the snow-covered landscape in New South Wales. A motorist who happened by posted the video to Twitter and people are having a hard time understanding that it's not summertime all around the globe and that it does in fact snow in Australia. “Not something you see every day in Australia,” he wrote. “Kangaroos in the snow.”Comedian Tim Hicksoneven wrote, "Liars. Everyone knows Australia is a hellscape of bottomless pits of fire and scorpions."

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